Thursday, January 28, 2010

Looking for suppliers of Coffee

We are looking for the suppliers of coffee coming from the producing countries. If you are a supplier of coffee, make contact at coffee trading.

Rest on its success? Not a bit!
The brothers Strehle GmbH presents the 80th Year of existence, now manufactures the roast. Company annually produces 1,800 tons of coffee substitute mixture for one billion cups

More than just business model: Enthusiastic director Franz Lang told (right) Mayor Gerhard Jauernig (left) from the long journey of the coffee bean from India, Ethiopia, and Brazil to the Günzburger breakfast table.
Günzburg since 1932 are manufactured in the Günzburg food Gebr Strehle GmbH products around the favorite drink of the Germans, the coffee, as well as a wide range of instant products. Anyone who has ever ripped the backing of a can "Blanto" and sucked the scent of swirled cocoa powder, who knows why the milk drink from the house of the brothers Strehle has for many decades been among the best sellers of the Günzburger food factory. Now the coffee crop specialists have ventured a new trick: Just in time for 80-year anniversary, the food producers themselves go with roasted coffee to the market.

Mayor Gerhard Jauernig experienced when visiting the traditional company a lot about the history of coffee and the food factory. As the town hall boss remarked proudly and with a wink, are named Strehle and the newly acquired range roasted "GuntiAroma" on sympathetic way the "good flavor" of the Danube city spread worldwide. Especially noteworthy: The logo of the new product takes a close look again a modified form of Günzburger city tower.

"Since its founding, the land of coffee has played a major role in our house. Bean coffee was still very expensive and not affordable for the average earner ", the current managing director Franz Lang tells of the beginnings of that Zichorienfabrik. "That's why the brothers have Strehle from the roots of chicory coffee substitute made the so chicory coffee."

After the end of World War II widened the range of products quickly. "As grain and export goods were available again, my father developed from barley, rye, malt, chicory and figs coffee substitute mixture Günzburger 'that you can buy today in the supermarket," says Paul Strehle, owner since 1961 of Günzburg Food Processing Plant. The experiences that the brothers Strehle made in the production of the powder formed, finally, the basis for the preparation of the other instant products that were in the following years in the sale. "These early years must have been very exciting. No doubt they have "laid the foundation for today's business continues Franz Lang.

The "big bags" - these are the large containers of the factory in which 30 men to work - not just go to Southern Europe. "Major customers are also Australia, South Africa, Korea, Japan and Greece," Strehle said proudly. "These international customers are essential to our business success." This is proven by the numbers: When former Zichorienfabrik after World War II, production of "Günzburgers" commenced, there were 250 manufacturing companies nationwide. "Today, there are two: Nestle and we are," said Paul Strehle. "It's quite an accomplishment to exist in the food industry for so long."

But the Günzburger food factory is faced with the problems of the industry. "First, there are the rising commodity prices for corn and cocoa. And are second, the non-uniform guidelines in the production of foods that "lead to a distortion of competition, says Franz Lang. In order to survive, the instant producer therefore accepts services such as packing of goods, and has included organic and wellness products in the assortment. "Particularly at the moment our sleep cocoa goes from nutmeg, coriander, lemon balm and saffron. Base is our cocoa-based beverage powders Blanto. In our area it's just important to be broadly based, "says Lang.

So it makes sense, even with coffee beans to take the program. "We fulfill our long-cherished dream," says the managing partner. In fact, if long sniffing the freshly shipped from India, Ethiopia and Brazil coffee beans and with enthusiasm by the roasting of the coffee bean told that at first green, then light brown discolored and finally dark brown, then the newly established coffee roaster is on the premises at Auweg not simple business principle, but an expression of a genuine passion for coffee. That's why the staff let the beans during roasting time.

"The longer the beans are roasted, the lower the chlorogenic acid. In large-scale producers of coffee beans roasted to become a minute or two minutes in our whole 20th Our beans are so much easier to digest and more aromatic. "

During his visit, the Mayor drank a cup of freshly roasted coffee. Jauernig was impressed: "I am delighted that a traditional company like Günzburger food factory for so many years with its core business success and at the same time have the courage to break new ground. This is evidence of genuine entrepreneurial spirit and reinforces the position as a major food factory business for the city and the region, "Strehle praised the good cooperation with the city and the city Günzburger works.

Who wants to taste the coffee can, purchase it on site at the plant sale of the company Strehle and a florist long at Ulm street. And perhaps it creates the "Guntia" coffee - named after his Röstort - in the "star" list of the hundred best products. "Blanto" has already made the list.

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